A Reverse transcriptase (RT) is an enzyme employed to make complementary DNA (cDNA) from an RNA template, a procedure termed reverse transcription. It is mostly connected with retroviruses. On the other hand, non-retroviruses also use reverse transcriptase. HIV infects individuals with the use of this enzyme. Reverse transcription commences when the viral particle enters the cytoplasm of a concentrate on cell. The viral RNA genome enters the cytoplasm as element of a nucleoprotein complicated that has not been well characterised. The approach of reverse transcription generates, in the cytoplasm, a linear DNA duplex via an intricate collection of techniques. Without reverse transcriptase, the viral genome would not be able to include into the host mobile, resulting in failure to replicate. RT inhibitors are broadly applied as antiretroviral drugs. RT actions are also affiliated with the replication of chromosome ends (telomerase) and some cell genetic components (retrotransposons).